
Disclaimer For Growzical

Last Update: April 12, 2024

Greetings from Growzical!

Terms such as site/website or https://growzical.com or https://www.growzical.com or sub-domains of growzical.com, or the company, or “growzical “or “we “, “us “or the services will be used interchangeably throughout this disclaimer.

The primary and sole purpose of this disclaimer page is to inform you that all the data information or details published on this website or its sub-domains are written in good faith and are for general information purposes only.

Our creators or editors or the team makes sure to provide complete and accurate information, but we still don’t take any guarantee or warranty about the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the details or information.

So whatever action you perform with the information that you get on our website is strictly your responsibility. We are not liable for any losses or damages that happen in connection with the use of our website.

The website, company, employees, directors, agents, content providers/creators, affiliates, or any of the official entities exclude, to the full extent permitted by the applicable law, any implied warranties of merchantability, any warranty, implied or express, including, without limitation, fitness, or satisfactory quality for a particular purpose. We make no warranty that the content or the web pages of the website are free from viruses or anything that has a destructive nature or properties.

The user/visitor, i.e., YOU and NOT growzical, assume the complete cost of all the necessary care or correction due to the use of this website or the content.

Whatever graphics, images, videos, or media used on our website are either purchased or used with permission or are the property of third parties. We give the complete credits to the creators or editors or the owners of the media under the credits page. In case your credits are missing, then feel free to get in touch with us through the contact page.


If you do not stand with the terms of this website that are mentioned on our disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions page, then your account will be suspended or terminated with or without notice or could be blocked for a certain level or complete access to the site.

Changes to site terms

We reserve the right to make any number of changes to our privacy policy, terms and conditions, and disclaimer pages with or without notice under its sole discretion. If we make any modifications to our terms, then they are immediately effective once they are published on the website.

In case you use the website during/after/before the changes in the terms, then it implies you accept the changes. We request you to regularly check the updated legal pages of this website, which include the disclaimer, terms and conditions, and privacy policy.